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Was James Bond inspired by this Dominican diplomat and playboy Porfirio Rubirosa?

By day Rubirosa was a man’s man in what was still a macho world: an accomplished polo player, race car driver, adventurer, drinker, and bon vivant with the finest wardrobe of men’s — and discarded women’s — clothes in Paris. His shoes were handmade, his suits bespoke, and he even had tailored brief from London’s Savile Row.

By Raja Izz

Art by Stephany Torres


The name is Bon...James Bond. When we think of Bond, images of a suave, sophisticated, and daring spy come to mind, complete with impeccable style and a penchant for adventure. But what if this iconic character had real-life inspiration? Some believe that the legendary Bond might have been based on Porfirio Rubirosa, a Dominican diplomat, playboy, and international man of mystery.

Rubirosa was the ultimate man’s man. Everyone wanted his style of macho. All the men I know loved Rubi.

Gerard Bonnet, an old polo-playing friend from Paris

A diplomat, a race-car driver, a pilot, a polo champion, an alleged assassin, and a notorious ladies’ man, Porfirio Rubirosa is believed by many to have been Ian Fleming’s inspiration for James Bond. (The Associated Press / 1954 File Photo)


The Life of Porfirio Rubirosa

Porfirio Rubirosa, often referred to simply as "Rubi," was born in 1909 in the Dominican Republic. His life was one of glamour, filled with high-profile marriages, fast cars, and international intrigue. Rubirosa's father was a general and diplomat, which set the stage for Rubi's entrance into the world of diplomacy and elite social circles.

In 1930, Rafael Trujillo became President of the Dominican Republic. A Dictator who stayed in power until his assassination in 1961, Trujillo saw something that caught his attention on young Rubirosa when they met during a Polo match a country club in 1931, and soon asked him to join the Presidential Guard.

Before long, Rubirosa would be married to Trujillo’s eldest daughter, Flor de Oro Trujillo. According to some records, this was something of a forced marriage after a secret romantic encounter. Faced with death at the hands of the dictator’s regime or marriage, Rubirosa chose life. Alas, Rubirosa’s serial adultery led to a divorce in 1937.

Even so, the dictator kept him hired as a diplomat, aiming to leverage his charm, smooth talk, and frankly, ability to lie, to his country’s advantage. “He is good at his job, because women like him and he is a wonderful liar,” quipped Trujillo, knowing full well the damage he’d done to his daughter.

It was during these “diplomatic” years that Rubirosa’s fame, or infamy, really took off. Between serving in Embassies in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Rome, and Havana, “Rubi” came to be known as the womaniser who would be married four more times, to French actresses Danielle Darrieux and Odile Rodin, and American Heiresses Barbara Hutton and Doris Duke, who was that time the richest woman on earth thanks to her father, James Buchanan, owner of American Tobacco and the inventor of the mass-produced cigarette.

Rubirosa was known for his charm, good looks, and adventurous spirit. His relationships with some of the world's wealthiest and most famous women, including actresses Zsa Zsa Gabor and Danielle Darrieux, and heiresses such as Doris Duke and Barbara Hutton, only added to his mystique. He was also an accomplished polo player and race car driver, living a life that seemed straight out of an "old-money elite" script.

You feel like this man is breaking through walls, tearing down mountains, and turning the world upside down to conquer you. He is wild, impatient, with a stormy temper. But he lays his heart at your feet when he desires you, and he desires you unceasingly. He is the best gift a woman can give herself.

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor on Rubirosa

(1) Porfirio Rubirosa and Zsa Zsa Gabor toast each other while musicians serenade them at Czardes Restaurant, 307 East. 79th Street. (Getty)

(2) Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and Porfirio Rubirosa arrive together at New York's international airport. (The Associated Press / 1954 File Photo)


The James Bond Connection

Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, was himself a man of the world, having worked in British Naval Intelligence during World War II. It is believed that Fleming might have encountered Rubirosa or at least heard of his exploits. The parallels between Bond and Rubirosa are striking: both are known for their charm, sophistication, and skill in both combat and seduction.

Rubirosa's diplomatic career took him to various countries, much like Bond's international escapades. His reputation as a playboy and his involvement in high-stakes situations add to the speculation that Fleming could have drawn inspiration from Rubi's life when crafting the character of James Bond.

Rubirosa standing beside Ferrari 166 MM (credit: Getty)

A Life of Adventure and Elegance

Rubirosa's life wasn't just about high society and romance; he was also involved in some shadowy affairs. During his diplomatic career, he was rumored to have been involved in espionage and political maneuverings. His connections with influential figures worldwide and his ability to navigate complex social and political landscapes mirror the intricate plots of James Bond novels.

Additionally, Rubirosa's impeccable style and taste for luxury – from tailored suits, equestrian, to fast cars – are reminiscent of Bond's own preferences. His ability to blend into various cultures and environments with ease is another trait he shares with the famous spy.

Legacy and Influence

Was Dominican Diplomat Porfirio Rubirosa the choice of Ian Fleming’s inspiration for James Bond? The truth is, we will never truly know, because Fleming died of a heart attack in 1964 at the age of 56 without having definitive answer who was his inspiration for the famous agent 007 was.

While it may never be definitively proven that Porfirio Rubirosa was the direct inspiration for James Bond, the similarities between their lives are too significant to ignore. Rubirosa remains a fascinating figure in his own right, embodying a bygone era of elegance, intrigue, and adventure.

His legacy lives on in the annals of history as a man who truly lived life to the fullest, much like the fictional James Bond. Whether or not he was the real-life Bond, Rubirosa's story continues to captivate those who dream of a life filled with excitement and sophistication.

Porfirio Rubirosa appears greeting Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II, 1953-2022) at a polo game held in 1950 in Roehampton, municipality of London, England. (The Associated Press / 1954 File Photo)

The only things that interested me were sports, girls, adventures, celebrities. In short – life.

Porfirio Rubirosa

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