Article contribution by Paolo di Canio
Patriarch Kirill with Putin during the Easter celebration at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, April 4, 2010.
Via Getty Images
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of GC.
For the past 20 years or so, there has been very strong worldwide campaign to discredit Russian President Vladimir Putin. Not to mention that every single Western newspaper or magazine has been comparing Putin to Hitler, and claiming that he wants to launch World War III. Some medias even go so far claiming that Putin is the reincarnation of Byzantine Emperor Constantine The Great and wanting to capture Constantinople (modern Istanbul).
Why is this happening? It’s obvious that the West doesn’t want a strong, dominant leader who provides a rule of law for his people. This is not even a war of West against Russia; or a war of Ukrainian-speaking people vs. Russian-speaking people—it’s a war of ideologies. It’s a culture war. A war between aristocratic traditional values coupled with strong masculinity on one side, and liberals, SJW’s, feminists, and other wackos on the side that wants to demolish the existing model and create their own world order.
When you look around the globe, can you name another strong leader? A strong leader that stands for his own country and people? Take a moment, I can wait. Still thinking? Give up?
Do you know why you’re stuck? Because there aren’t any other strong masculine leaders left besides President Putin. Do you think it’s a mere coincidence that with strong leaders come strong traditional values and gender roles? As long as there are strong leader like Putin at the helm, you won’t have crazy wackos like SJW’s running around and shoving their half-backed propaganda down the throats of gullible citizens. Strong leaders don’t let that happen.
For example, here’s what happened in Belgrade, Serbia when EU forced a traditional, Christian orthodox country to hold its first ever gay parade.
This is not meant to endorse violence, but rather to show the level of opposition to leftism that exists on the ground but is being ignored by world leaders. We think that traditional gender roles will somehow magically return by some miracle from God. We think that all we need is to make a wish to the tooth fairy before going to bed. But that’s not exactly how the real world works.