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Nine Worthies: Legendary men of chivalric ideals and their enduring legacies

These 9 legends symbolized the fact that the story of chivalry's divine mission in the world was still in process, that that mission was an urgent and contemporary one, and that there was no reason why, with the nine, all the ‘sieges’ of the first circle of chivalrous honor should be regarded as occupied.

By Raja Izz

The Nine Worthies are a group of nine historical and legendary heroes who were said by people in the Middle Ages to best personify the ideals of chivalry and be ideals to aspire to. None of them considered themselves part of this group when alive; it was a title given to them centuries after their deaths.

Achilles & Hector | Image by Warner Bros.



While the original concept of the Nine Worthies includes figures from pagan, Jewish, and Christian traditions, this article is intended to celebrate individuals based on their chivalric ideals, regardless of religious affiliation. We recognize and deeply respect the significant values held by all religions, including Islam, Christian Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others, which contribute to the rich cultural and spiritual tapestry of the world.

It may come as a shock to learn that ancient peoples enjoyed making lists of greats as much as we do. Just as we published the most elegant man in the world & the most elegant Malaysian men in the modern times, so too did the Hellenistic Greeks make a "Top Seven Wonders of the World" list in their day. Another example is the list of the top nine most chivalrous men in history.

This list, known as the Nine Worthies, was wildly popular during the Middle Ages. The Nine were believed to embody the ideals of chivalry, whose lives were deemed a valuable study for aspirants to chivalric status. For the modern gentleman, their stories provide timeless inspiration and a guide to living a life of distinction. Here, we explore the origin and enduring legacies of these Nine Worthies and how their principles can be emulated today.

Nine Worthies fresco at Castello della Manta, Italy


The Origin of Nine Worthies

The concept of the Nine Worthies emerged in the Middle Ages, a time when chivalry and heroic ideals were paramount. While the individual figures they represent are drawn from diverse historical and mythological backgrounds, the cohesive idea of these nine exemplars was first crystallized in the early 14th century.

The French poet Jacques de Longuyon is credited with the initial formulation of the Nine Worthies in his work, "Les Voeux du Paon" (The Vows of the Peacock). This poem meticulously categorized the worthies into three distinct groups: three Pagans, three Jews, and three Christians. This tripartite structure elegantly mirrored the prevailing Christian worldview of the time, which divided history into these three epochs.

The selection of the specific individuals within these groups was influenced by a blend of historical reverence, literary tradition, and the desire to encapsulate the full spectrum of chivalric virtues. The Pagans represented classical heroism, the Jews symbolized Old Testament valor, and the Christians embodied the ideals of the New Testament.

While the Nine Worthies originated in France, the concept quickly spread across Europe, captivating the imagination of artists, writers, and the public alike. They became iconic figures, representing the pinnacle of human achievement and serving as aspirational models for knights and gentlemen, guiding them in their conduct both on and off the battlefield.

Why should we strive to understand the concepts of Chivalry that de Longuyon has ascribed to these nine worthy historical figures?  You may be thinking to yourself, "I'm not a King or prominent public figure so I don't really need to read this."  However, the Ideals of Chivalry is an important part of our society; a concept that is meant for all of us to be the best version of ourselves.

Attributed coat of arms to the "Nine worthies" which were groups of 3 legendary Jewish, Pagan and Christian leaders who personified the ideals of chivalry.



Divided into three trios – Pagans, Jews, and Christians – the Nine Worthies represent the universality of chivalry. The Nine Worthies were therefore considered to be:

The Three Jewish Worthies

The first three are Joshua, King David (Prophet Daud), and Judas Maccabeus. They represented the Old Law, the law of Jerusalem and the Old Testament. Joshua, the leader of the Jews after Moses (Prophet Musa), is considered the idealized general who led the Israelites to conquer the Holy land. King David is the father of King Solomon (Prophet Sulaiman) and David was “the anointed king and Messiah of the Hebrew people), who slew Goliath and whose line was forever chosen by God to lead his people” (By The Gods, 2011).

The final Jewish worthy was Judas of the Maccabees, a priest who led the Maccabees in revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Judas’ restoration of Jewish worship at the Temple of Jerusalem is still celebrated each year with Hanukah. Together, the three Jewish worthies remind the audience “that the Old Testament is the story of God's chosen nation, which was the spiritual vessel of His purpose for mankind, and through whose service of the one true God, the way was made ready for the coming of Christ” (O’Reilly, 2012).


The Three Pagan Worthies

The next three are Hector, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar. These three represent the pagan or Greco-Roman Law. Prince Hector was the hero of Troy who bravely fought to defend his home. Alexander the Great conquered much of the known world and spread the wisdom of the Greeks throughout the Mediterranean and Persia. Moreover, he was “a hero of fantastic romance: as "King Alisaunder" he harnessed griffins to his flying chariot, journeyed to the bottom of the sea in a crystal diving bell, met fire-breathing dog-headed men in India, and had many other adventures completely unconnected with the historical Alexander” (Harlansson, 2004). Many monarchs, especially in Southeast Asia, saw themselves as successors to King of Macedonia Alexander The Great's greatness.

Julius Caesar was the embodiment of the Roman Empire and the Pax Romana that followed its global conquest. It was this peace that eventually enabled Christianity to take root. “Christ came as the Prince of Peace at that point in time when the Romans had conquered the world and established their peace in it. It was the Roman peace, built on the achievement of pagan chivalry – Trojan, Greek, and Roman – that made possible the journeys of the Apostles, their evangelization of the Gentiles, and the establishment of the Catholic Civilization.” (O’Reilly, 2012)


The Three Christian Worthies

The final three worthies are King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon. They represent the New Law of the Catholic civilization in which chivalry was flourishing. The idyllic King Arthur was the quintessential Christian king, ever in the pursuit of justice, honor, and the Holy Grail. He was as beloved in the Middle Ages as he is today.

Charlemagne founded the Holy Roman Empire, which would encompass much of France, Germany, and the Low Countries. In 800, he was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor, the first in three centuries following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Charlemagne was the protector of Christianity, especially of the papacy in Rome.

The ninth worthy is the most contemporary addition. Godfrey of Bouillon was a Frankish knight who helped lead the First Crusade to recapture the Holy Land. Godfrey was briefly the ruler of the (Christian) Kingdom of Jerusalem, which lasted from 1099 to 1187. Godfrey only reigned for one year. In 1100, he died - either by being struck by an arrow, by contracting an illness, or by being poisoned with an apple (accounts vary). His inclusion was important to the message and to the allure of the Nine Worthies. “Godfrey was by far the most recent recruit into the circle of the Nine Worthies. He, more effectively than any of the others, symbolized the fact that the story of chivalry's divine mission in the world was still in process, that that mission was an urgent and contemporary one, and that there was no reason why, with the nine, all the ‘sieges’ of the first circle of chivalrous honor should be regarded as occupied.” (O’Reilly, 2012).

Nine Worthies fresco at Castello della Manta, Italy


The Nine Worthies and Their Chivalric Legacies


The Three Good Jews

1. Joshua of the Hebrew Bible

Legacy: Truth

Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, is known for his unwavering faith and determination in conquering the Promised Land. His story illustrates the power of belief and perseverance in the face of adversity. In the Book of Numbers we see the story take place. Twelve men are sent into the Promised Land to scout out the enemy. After forty days of gathering information, they come back and make the report to Moses. Ten of the Observers were frightened of the enemy and gave false reports while Joshua and Caleb, two of the observers who were not afraid of their enemies, gave a truthful account of what awaited across the Jordan River.

For today’s gentleman, Joshua’s journey is a testament to the strength that comes from steadfast faith and relentless pursuit of one's goals.

2. King David

Legacy: Purity

King David, the second king of Israel, is renowned for his leadership and poetic wisdom, encapsulated in the Psalms (Kitab Zabur). He was representative of the virtue of purity.  At first glance, David appears anything but the symbol of Chivalric purity, and in some cases it is true.  However, the type of purity that is being referenced is that of purity of the heart; which includes purity in our morals, motives, and methods. Throughout the story of David in the Bible, we can see this purity of the heart take place; especially in his decision not to slay King Saul in the cave; even when it would have been advantageous of him to do so; and once again when he finds King Saul asleep in the tent.  Additionally, the story of the later years of David's life where he takes mercy upon the last of Saul's line is another fine example of the purity of David's heart.

Modern gentlemen can aspire to David's ability to lead with both might and heart, fostering a legacy of wisdom and compassion.

3. Judas Maccabeus

Legacy: Loyalty

Judas Maccabeus was a Jewish hero who stood up against Antiochus IV, a Seleucid king who had forcibly conquered the Kingdom of Israel and all but outlawed the nation's religion. It is from his loyalty to his cause and his ability to inspire it in others that he personifies the chivalric virtue of loyalty.

It was Judas who led a rebellion and fought against the enemy using guerilla warfare; considering how woefully outnumbered his forces were; tactically it was his only option. Eventually, Judas amassed a large army and the external war against Antiochus was won for a short time.

Eventually, the Seleucid Empire, now under the command of Antiochus V, retaliated and sent a large army against Judas Maccabeus. Seeing the large numbers of the enemy forces before them, most of the Jewish rebellion army deserted, leaving Judas with a small number of loyal men to face their fates in the Battle of Elasa where Judas and his men perished.

Gentlemen today can find inspiration in his fight for justice and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs.


Putting it Together

Incorporating the virtues of the Three Good Jews takes a more personal note than the other two triads of Worthies. Their virtues push us to look deep within and are more difficult to express in our everyday outward appearances. However, these virtues are evident on the battlefield and are often shown by those who take up the sword. Having Joshua's truth means that a fighter calls shots that are good, no matter what he expects to gain in the tourney. The purity of David is fighting for a good cause; such as for the honor of your loved one or for the sheer enjoyment of the match. Judas' loyalty is seen when a fighter is loyal to his master and his honor.

For those of us who do not fight, we can look at the examples of the Three Good Jews and express them ourselves. Exemplifying Joshua's truth can be as simple as speaking the truth to those who ask for honest opinions. The purity of David is having clear morals and motives when dealing with others, no matter what station or degree. Judas Maccabeus' loyalty is the loyalty we give to those of our household, our friends, and those we serve under.

Hector of Troy vs Achilles during the Trojan war | Warner Bros.


The Three Good Pagans

4. Hector of Troy

Legacy: noble and courtly behavior

Hector was the Champion of Troy; a Prince of the mighty city, and a man who fell honorably to Achilles. Hector was known for his great love, and thus, sometimes represents love in the chivalric virtues. However, Hector can also be seen as the embodiment of noble and courtly behavior. When Hector was slain, he perished in a manner that was befitting one of his nature. Hector fell honorably to Achilles; he didn't resort to trickery or cowardice even when he knew that he would be slain in battle. Instead, Hector went into his final battle with nobility, even though the gods had already determined his fate.

Modern gentlemen can draw from Hector's courage and commitment to protecting and honoring their loved ones and their principles.

5. Alexander the Great

Legacy: Generosity

Alexander the Great's unparalleled ambition and strategic brilliance expanded his empire across three continents. Medieval scholars saw him as the main figure who spread the knowledge of the Greeks into these dark areas of the ancient world. In Alexander; the virtue of generosity is seen. Through his many victories, Alexander amassed great fortunes. With the money that he received he not only paid his army very well, but he also founded at least ten cities with the fortunes he reaped from conquered empires.

However, this was not the only extent of Alexander's generosity. A story is told where a beggar met Alexander on the road. The beggar, in great need, asked for alms from the mighty conquer. Even though the beggar had no right to ask Alexander for money, Alexander threw him several gold coins. When asked why he gave the beggar gold instead of copper, Alexander replied "copper coins would adequately suite the beggars need, but gold coins suit Alexander's giving." Today’s leaders can emulate Alexander's ability to inspire and lead with purpose, transforming dreams into reality, and lead with a global mindset.

6. Julius Caesar

Legacy: Prowess

Julius Caesar's political acumen and military prowess reshaped the Roman Republic into an empire. His legacy underscores the power of ambition and the importance of implementing meaningful reforms.

What can be identified clearly, however, is that Julius Caesar can be seen as the embodiment of prowess. It is through his militaristic and political prowess that Caesar reached the highest station in Rome and acquired the love of the common man. Caesar had been born into a lower governmental position and progressed through Roman society quickly through his overall prowess and determination. This historical fact quickly points to the notion that Caesar is connected with the Chivalric notion of prowess.

Modern gentlemen can learn from Caesar's boldness and his ability to enact change, striving to leave a lasting impact on their communities and industries.


Putting it Together

Understanding who these historical figures are and what place they held in the Medieval mindset are important to us in the Society. What can we learn from these three examples of chivalry and how can we incorporate them into our groups?  One obvious place that these virtues can be witnessed and expressed is on the field of battle; fighters should take a moment to show the examples of Hector, Alexander, and Caesar no matter if they are a knight or not.  The virtues that these three men represent; courage, generosity, and prowess, are prime examples of battlefield virtues.  Having courage to face your opponent, bestowing them with generosity after the battle, and continually working on martial prowess are all ways that fighters can emulate the Three Good Pagans.

However, for those of us who do not fight, we can take the example that the Three Good Pagans show us and incorporate them into our Society life.  Having the courage of Hector to introduce yourself to the new person who just arrived at the event is definitely a good start. Showing the generosity of Alexander by inviting somebody into your encampment out of harsh weather is another good example.  The prowess of Caesar can be exemplified in excelling in what you do; be it crafts, holding an officer position, or even setting up your encampment.


The Three Good Christians

7. King Arthur

Legacy: Humility

the heroic and tragic figure that straddles both myth and history, is often titled the "Once and Future King of England."  Arthur is well known for his enchanted sword--Excalibur, his Knights of the Round Table, and his quest for the Holy Grail.  Although there are many heroic tales of King Arthur, it is one of his more human moments that helps solidify the aspect that he represents; humility.

When Arthur's wife, Guinevere, was to be burned at the stake for her adultery with Lancelot; we see the human side of Arthur. At first he cannot bear to see the woman he loves killed; but Mordred is right beside him; confronting him. Arthur had a choice to kill the queen or kill the law; both of which Arthur didn't want to do. Instead, Arthur shows great humility in accepting that he is, in fact, just a man, and relinquishes his kingship to protect both his love and the law.

Modern gentlemen can emulate Arthur's commitment to noble causes and the chivalric code, striving to create a fair and just world.

8. Charlemagne

Legacy: Justice

Charlemagne was King of the Franks and later Emperor of the Romans until his death in 814 A.D.  His leadership brought forth a new renaissance of ideas, a revival of art and culture, and helped to solidify the control of the Catholic Church. Through a series of military campaigns and various programs that he instituted, Charlemagne labored to bring order to a chaotic Europe.

Charlemagne is noted for his many chivalric virtues, but most especially his sense of justice.  It is written that the Emperor of the Romans felt sympathy to the common man of his realm; many of which who were repressed by the local government officials.  Charlemagne's belief was that government should benefit those who are governed, and as such, he sent investigators to all corners of his kingdom to administer justice, to inspect the existing government, and promote and revitalize both civil and religious duties within his empire.

Today’s gentleman can learn from Charlemagne's efforts to promote unity and enlightenment, championing education and cultural development.

9. Godfrey of Bouillon

Legacy: Faith

Godfrey was the Duke of Lower Lorraine who, at the summons of the Pope, helped lead the French Knights to the wall of Jerusalem. After successfully capturing the city, Godfrey was elected the ruler of Jerusalem; but his religious piety prompted him to accept the title of Defender of the Holy Sepulcher instead, stating that the title King of Jerusalem belonged to God. Although he died a year later, Godfrey had extended the reaches of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and helped to establish the foundations of that kingdom.

Godfrey is attributed the chivalric virtue of faith. His faith is articulated especially in his refusing the title of King of Jerusalem. While Godfrey's virtue of faith shows in other examples; most of them are developed and added upon in the later years when the sagas of Godfrey were written. However, according to most accounts, he was known as a gentle and pious man who journeyed to the Holy Land to liberate Jerusalem for the Christians.

Modern gentlemen can take inspiration from Godfrey's devotion to a cause greater than himself and his ability to lead with integrity and conviction.


Putting it Together

Again, it seems that the fighters have it easy when demonstrating the virtues of these three Worthies.  A good fighter doesn't have to always comment about his ability on the battlefield, instead he just needs to employ the humility of Arthur and let his actions speak for him. Additionally, displaying the justice of Charlemagne would mean that a fighter should always seek the right path; even if it is the path is difficult and arduous.  The faith of Godfrey doesn't necessarily mean that the fighter should take up a religion, simply that the fighter should have faith in his ability and his beliefs.

For those who do not fight, the virtues the Three Good Christians represent can be a little trickier to express in the Society. However, Arthur's humility can be conveyed by being humble at events; to know when to step back and not have to be in control or to have the last word.  The justice of Charlemagne can be seen when we work with other people; to do what is right instead of what is popular or easiest.  Finally, the faith of Godfrey is having faith in ourselves, our beliefs, our family or clan, our Peers, and faith in the royalty to do what is right.


Final Thoughts

As I have mentioned before, the concept of chivalry and how we act towards one another is an important part for the betterment of society. It doesn't matter if you are not rich, not popular, or not physically strong; chivalry is a code for all men to aspire to be more than just a man. It is what binds us together; a part of what is termed "Camelot", and as such, merits at least a basic understanding.

There are several versions of the Knightly Virtues that can be found; ranging from simple lists to extravagant reams of information, and some people may choose one list over the other. By understanding where these concepts derived from, namely the words written long ago by de Longuyon in his "Vows of the Peacock," we can begin to understand the basics of what chivalry is from a historical aspect and focus on incorporating these values in our lives, and instill this values to our children as well.

The coat of arm of Nine Heroes drawn from Classical, Jewish, and Christian traditions was first mentioned in a French poem in 1312, and soon became a popular theme throughout art and literature in late medieval Europe. Pulled from both history and legend, Hector of Troy, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar represented the Heroes of the Classical era. Joshua, David, and Judas Maccabeus, from the Hebrew Bible and related accounts, constituted the Jewish Heroes. Finally, from medieval Europe, King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon formed the Christian Heroes. Celebrated as perfect embodiments of chivalry, the Nine Heroes provided exemplars of worthy warriors and just leaders for men.



Gentleman's Code Challenge:

Choose one of the 'Nine Worthies' who resonates most with you and research their story further. How can you apply their key qualities to your own life as a modern gentleman? Share your thoughts and inspiration with us on editor@gentlemanscodes.com

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