The risk factors involved and the complexities of the game are what fascinates me most. For example, in your left hand you have to control the wild animal below you, and in your right hand you have to control the mallet and have a very calm swing, so in a sense you have to be very aggressive and calm at the same time. Unlike any other sport where you have complete control over where you want to be, or go, commanding a wild animal to do what you want it to do is in itself very difficult. Now imagine doing that with one hand, and at the same time, trying to hit a ball with a mallet in your other hand. There’s so many things going on, and you really have to multitask and have perfect control of not only your own body, but also the horse a well. It’s such a complex sport and the challenge of having that kind of control is also what I love about Polo.
HRH Prince Abdul Mateen