"Old Money" Core Values - Finding Your Library
A big part of the substance of it is Education.
Article contribution by Byron Tully
Photo: The English Gentleman - London Collections: Men @ The Spencer House
Many people I talk to are embracing the Old Money philosophy and way of life and letting go of the work-to-spend/constantly-in-motion/vicious consumer cycle that has dominated American culture for the last 75 years.
They’ve ditched the shopping mall for a hiking trail, turned off the television–or started watching PBS–and have opted out of social media in favor of actual social gatherings. They’re finding they have richer relationships, lower blood pressure, and a clearer perspective of what their life is all about.
They’ve also stopped buying the latest fashions, but let me be clear: Old Money culture is not about button-down shirts, khakis, and penny loafers. Those are (sometimes) aspects of it, but those clothing items are more symptomatic of a philosophy than the substance of it.
A big part of the substance of it is Education. What’s more, it’s important to understand that education doesn’t stop once you get a diploma and start a career. It’s a lifelong endeavor.