Joint Statement by 'Industries Unite' on MCO Extension to 18 Feb
Industries Unite leaders met with Senior Minister, YB Dato' Seri Azmin Ali recently at Ministry of International Trade & Industry [MITI], Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur to engage and to find solutions to open the economy safely.

Press Release from Industries Unite with regards to MCO extension to 18 February 2021:
We regret the government's decision to extend the MCO until the 18th.
Whilst public health and safety is of paramount importance, We expect that we will see the death rate of businesses spike over this period. The unemployment rate will also rise as well. This inevitably will put further stress on the economy and vital supply chains ad the economy is a complex ecosystem.
Thousands of retail outlets have closed down since MCO 2.O, with the extension again, majority of our members may never be able to recover.
Any possible recovery is further hindered by the lack of a clear path forward.
These bi-weekly extensions do more harm than good. Businesses need to plan ahead, to make vital decisions, to retain or release staff, to manage cash flow, gearing etc. There is a serious lack of confidence on the business community.
The industry requires assistance from the government in moratorium on financial commitments, wage subsidies and more. These issues are yet to be addressed in this MCO.
The main issue to be addressed is a structured recovery plan with an emphasis on stricter compliance with SOPs through education, community engagement and encouragement.
We urge the government to work with us to come up with an immediate emergency plan to keep Businesses going , a 6 to 12 month stabilisation plan and therrafter a 3 year recovery plan .
We strongly urge the government to lift the MCO. People may be saved from the virus but die of poverty.
Dato' David Gurupatham and Datuk Irwin SW Cheong
Industries Unite is a coalition more than 40 trade, business and professional associations throughout Malaysia:
Industries Unite MCO2.0 –
List of Participating Bodies (in alphabetical order):
1. Akademi Usahawan Mikro (AUM), Azharee Abdul Wahid
2. Asian Oceania Computing Industry Association (ASOCIO), David Wong Nan Fay
3. Association of Malaysian Spa (AMSPA), Datin Jeanette Tambakau
4. Branding Association of Malaysia (BAM), Datuk Eric Chong & Dato’ Lewre Lew
5. Bumiputera Retailers Organisation (BRO), Datuk Wira Ameer Ali
6. Center of Strategic Human Resources, Azizan Amir
7. Contact Center Association Malaysia (CCAM), Raymond Devadass
8. Council of Asian Fashion Designers Malaysia, Bon Zainal Harun
9. Hospitality Asia (HAPA), Jennifer Ong
10. Malaysia Digital Chamber of Commerce (MDCC), Chris Daniel Wong
11. Malaysia Hair Association (MHA), Datin Winnie Loo
12. Malaysia Association of Certified Coaches (MACC), Michael Heah
13. Malaysia Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (MACEOS), Francis Teo
14. Malaysia Association of Professional Trainers & Coaches (MAPTaC), Sunil Hasmukharay
15. Malaysia Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS), Bavani Periasamy
16. Malaysia Association of Therapist Industry Development (MATID), Dr Baskaran Kosthi
17. Malaysia Bumiputra Designer Association (MBDA), Rasta Rashid
18. Malaysia Food and Beverage Executives Association, Muhammad Hisham Tan Abdullah
19. Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA), Shirley Tay & Stan Singh
20. Malaysian Aesthetic Health Entrepreneur Association, Christine Loo
21. Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (MAICCI), Datuk AT Kumarajah
22. Malaysian Association of Wellness And Spa (MAWSPA), Datin Dorothea Justin Moduying
23. Malaysian Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (MATTA), Datuk Tan Kok Liang
24. Malaysian Bumiputera Training Providers Association (MBTA), Azman Shah Dato’ Aziz
25. Outsourcing Malaysia (OM), Mr Cheah Kok Hoong
26. Persatuan Industri Komputer dan Multimedia Malaysia (PIKOM), Danny Lee
27. Persatuan Penggiat Festival Antarabangsa (ALIFE), Rizal Kamal
28. Persatuan Pemilik Restaurant & Bistro Restaurant & Bistro Owner Association (PPRB), William Yilo
29. Persatuan Pengusaha & Tenaga Pengajar Sekolah Latihan Pengendali Makanan Malaysia, Zainuddin
30. Persatuan Niagakawi, Dato’ Alexander L.
31. Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM), Dato’ Tony Looi & Tan Lay Seong
32. Professional Culinaire Association of Malaysia, Chef Bob Kamarrudin
33. SME Association of Malaysia (SME Malaysia), Datuk Michael Kang
34. Trainers Excel Network (TEN Malaysia), Andrew Richards
35. Wedding Professionals Association of Malaysia, Patrick Low
36. Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia, Nitesh Malani
37. Film Directors Association Malaysia (FDAM), Dato’ Kamil Othman
a. Which comprises of FDAM, CGM, Profima, Postam, Seniman, MySC