VIPs from PUMA and Al-Ikshan Sports posing for a photo with the one and only 2022 Premier League Championship Trophy.
From L to R:
1. Paul Mulholland, PUMA Sponsorship Manager from Manchester City Football Club
2. Vach Pillutla, Chief Executive Officer of Al-Ikhsan Sports
3. Steven Tan, Country Manager of PUMA Malaysia
4. Alven Chai, Senior Marketing Executive of PUMA Malaysia
Witness The Official Premier League Championship Trophy In Its Full Glory, Won By Manchester City FC
PUMA’s sponsored football team, Manchester City FC, is pleased to announce that its latest official Premier League trophy won in 2022, is making its way to Malaysia for its Global Trophy Tour.
By Lifestyle Editor
Calling all football fanatics who live and breathe football! PUMA is organising a once-in-a-lifetime experience that most kaki-kaki bola can only dream of. This weekend, football fans will have the exclusive chance to view up-close and in-person, Manchester City’s very own Premier League Championship Trophy!
Manchester City, PUMA’s sponsored football team and one of the most popular football clubs in the world, recently lifted the trophy as Premier League Champions in 2022, celebrating their hard work and dramatic tenacity throughout the season. The latest trophy was an exquisite addition to the club’s collection, as it was Manchester City’s fourth championship trophy in the past five years.
With the aim to celebrate with its fans worldwide, Manchester City is hosting its World Trophy Tour to give its global fans the opportunity to bask in its full glory.