Cigar Bar KL Grand Launch Opening
The newest cigar lounge in Kuala Lumpur for a discerning gentleman & cigar aficionado.
By Lifestyle Editor
Cigar Bar KL - the newest cigar lounge in Kuala Lumpur, had its grand launch opening on Friday, 19 July 2019. Located in the prime area in NAZA Tower Persiaran KLCC, Cigar Bar KL aims to bring the ultimate cigar experience to KL gentlemen.
At the grand launch, where Director Feruz Zainul was the co-host, invitees like Wak Doyok, Fauzi Zulkafli, Dato' Nicholas Pinder, got a chance to sample one of the best Cuban cigars. The Cigar Bar Selects: Curated Pairing Experience was also unveiled at the launch and is what sets Cigar Bar apart in truly crafting a bespoked experience for their patrons.
The bar's interior is chic and elegant - designed by the Croatian architect Juraj Kralj, it has European vibes. Luxury leather chairs, cork walls to absorb noise, a beautiful bar and a big walk-in humidor are the key elements to Cigar Bar.
Cheers from GC for a greater company & happening grand launch!