Old money essential: Thank you notes
Be your best self. Up your game. Write a note.

Article contribution by Byron Tully
Picture: JFK Library
We’re going to talk about specific products very little here because, generally speaking, the Old Money way of life is not about being a consumer and buying things. It’s about values, priorities, and habits.
But an important exception has to be made when it comes to Thank You notes. It’s very important that you purchase and use these notes to send handwritten expressions of gratitude to friends, family, and colleagues at appropriate times.
If someone buys you lunch, even if it’s an old friend–especially if it’s an old friend–you should send a note to say thanks. The contents of the note are relatively unimportant. “Thank you for lunch. I really enjoyed it. Let’s do it again soon,” will suffice. Nothing verbose needed. Nothing clever required. If you feel you must write a thank you note haiku, stop writing until the feeling passes.
An email or text is not acceptable. Technology can be fast, efficient, and inexpensive, but it is not personal and it never will be.