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"Rebecca" is a movie adaptation of the classic novel by Daphne du Maurier, which was published in 1938. The story is set in the 1930s and follows a young, naive woman who marries a wealthy widower, Maxim de Winter, and moves to his estate, Manderley.
The movie's production design, costume design, and cinematography all contribute to its "old-money aesthetic." The characters are seen wearing elegant and timeless outfits, including long dresses, tailored suits, and formal evening wear. The settings are grand and opulent, with sprawling estates, elaborate gardens, and ornate furnishings.
The movie also features themes of aristocracy, social hierarchy, and tradition, which are central to the concept of "old-money" and the lifestyle associated with it. The characters are portrayed as members of a privileged class who value propriety and prestige above all else.
Picture: Netflix