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5 Reasons Why Opera Should be Your New Gentleman's Hobby

Some said opera is the ultimate art form. I think it is the epitome of class.

By Raja Izz

Picture: Queen of Spades Opera (Courtesy of MPO)

I recently saw the opera “Queen of Spades” by Tchaikovsky at Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS. I’d seen similar opera in KLPAC last year (Madama Butterfly by Puccini) but this one is equally ravishing. Some said opera is the ultimate art form. I think it is the epitome of class.

Something struck me as I found myself deconstructing the themes evoked in Tchaikovsky's most ambitious opera. I was seeing it for the first time since my eyes have been opened by the aristocratic theme portrayed in the concert.

Believe it or not, the greatest opera works are classy to the core. Here is why you should give it a go, if you have not already:

Picture: Queen of Spades (Getty Images)

1. The values and the historical periods it celebrates

Male characters that exude masculine fortitude through their actions and body language. Revenge, dealing with adversity, war, peace. It is all there.

History takes form before your eyes. King, Prince, Duke, army commanders, revolutionaries of old. It is people that make things happen and overcome challenges that make an epic musical and aesthetic performance worth watching.

Picture: Phantom of the Opera (Getty Images)

2. The pure musical genius

Every element was crafted by the masters after days, months of reflection, sometimes leading to madness in the search for perfection.

Opera has a story behind every astonishing musical element. The mystery and gothic horror of Andrew Webber's the Phantom of the Opera, roaring horn of Siegfried the valiant, the blaring trumpets of Aida (Verdi). The list could go endlessly.

Picture: The Phantom of the Opera (Getty Images)

3. The notion of classicism and aesthetic excellence

The beautiful decor, the marble and the gold. Although majestic, the vibe is surprisingly relaxed and friendly. After all, it remains a form of entertainment.

With their amazing dancing, you will see athletes at the top of their art. Beautiful, slender girls doing pirouettes while scantily clad. Winning.

Picture: @zafiahamid

4. The crowd you mingle with

Cheerful people all around. Old ones full of knowledge and young ones full of class. Stunning girls strolling around in their dresses and high heels. Men in suit and dressed to the nines.

You won’t see the unrefined audience with polo shirt and jeans. Perhaps because of the patriarchal rules of the audience and the venue. Silence has to be respected, no phones on or drinks allowed.

Not as popular in Malaysia yet, opera is still one of Europe’s sophisticated hobbies. The ladies you meet there are some of the most beautiful beings you can come across.

Picture: Puccini's Madama Butterfly (courtesy of Royal Opera House)

5. The essential part it holds in human culture

Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Puccini. That’s elite culture. And a top subject of conversation. Try to ask people about their taste in opera next time you go out. You’ll soon know who’s who.

It’s everywhere. Films, series. It has always been used for the universality and power of its melodies. You’ll be able to tell which piece is which, and you will be filled with memories of that night with your beloved partner on your arm, admiring the ballerinas on stage.

So go ahead, check the schedule of the upcoming Opera Concert in Kuala Lumpur, and have an unforgettable experience.

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