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Lineage vs. materialism: Why bloodlines triumph over net worth

In a world obsessed with wealth and status, does lineage still matter? Explore why ancestry, legacy, and national mythology hold greater power than material riches.

Words: Raja Izz

Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon (the heir to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France) and his wife, Countess Olympia (left) (a direct descendant of the last Emperor of Austria). Bonapartists believe that Prince Jean-Christophe could become a new French 'hero', in an era when public faith in politicians is diminished.

Photo credit: Getty Images.


I remember when I was young, my grandfather once said: "Royalty is above luxury labels. Anything that you wear does not outshine your illustrious ancestry's legacy, glory, and sacrifice." These words, spoken by my Atuk years ago, echo with profound wisdom in today's era of conspicuous consumption.

In today's era where wealth is flaunted on Instagram, where a luxury watch determines one’s standing in the social hierarchy, and where the definition of success is dictated by net worth rather than nobility of character, one has to wonder—what happened to the importance of lineage? Why have we traded the wisdom of our ancestors for the fleeting allure of material possessions? Today, the measure of a man seems to be his ability to afford a private jet rather than his ability to recount the epic struggles of his forefathers. But the truth is, while money can buy you status, lineage gives you identity. And identity, my dear gentlemen, is something no amount of wealth can purchase.

Consider this national-identity tone from the Russian President, that moved the Russian audience to tears:

Everything in Crimea speaks of our shared history and pride. This is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilization and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in Crimea. Crimea is Balaklava and Kerch, Malakhov Kurgan and Sapun Ridge. Each one of these places is dear to our hearts, symbolizing Russian military glory and outstanding valor. Crimea is a unique blend of different peoples’ cultures and traditions. This makes it similar to Russia as a whole, where not a single ethnic group has been lost over the centuries.

 Vladimir Putin, speech on Crimea, 19 May 2014

Royal Patron Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah at The Knights Award Season 1 at the St. Regis Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

Photo credit: The Knights Award.

The Roots of Identity: Why Lineage Matters

Imagine you are in a room full of titans of industry. One boasts about his multi-million-dollar startup, another about his fleet of yachts. But then, a man enters the room, whose family has been shaping the course of history for generations. He speaks with a quiet confidence, knowing he carries the weight of his ancestors' achievements. Who holds more class? The man with the money or the man with the legacy?

Lineage is the true currency of greatness. It offers something beyond material wealth—it provides a sense of belonging, a personal mythology that ties one to a grander narrative. It reminds a man that he is not merely an individual but a continuation of something much greater. To dismiss one’s ancestry in favor of material gain is to sever oneself from the roots of one’s existence. It is akin to a mighty oak cutting off its own roots and wondering why it cannot stand tall in the storm.

A Nation Without Myth is a Nation Without Greatness

The historical carvings of Indonesia surrounding the National Monument in Jakarta. In the northeast corner, depicting the ancient Indonesian empire, on the right side is Gajah Mada, the Grand Vizier of the Majapahit Kingdom. (Wikimedia Commons/Gunawan Kartapranata)


The mythology of a nation is not just bedtime stories or exaggerated tales of heroism. It is the very foundation upon which its people build their identity and aspirations. If a man without lineage is a wanderer, a nation without mythology is a soulless husk, vulnerable to cultural erosion.

Take Indonesia, for instance, where the legend of Gajah Mada and the Majapahit Empire still fuels the idea of national unity. Gajah Mada’s vow—Sumpah Palapa—where he refused to enjoy worldly pleasures until he united the archipelago, serves as a reminder that greatness comes from duty and perseverance, not fleeting indulgences.

Photo credit: Hello Future Me.


Or consider Britain’s legendary King Arthur, a ruler whose tales of chivalry, honor, his acquisition of "Excalibur", and the pursuit of the Holy Grail have shaped the very fabric of British values. Arthurian legend is not just a medieval bedtime story—it has influenced monarchs, inspired literature, and defined the ethos of a kingdom that prides itself on nobility over mere wealth.

Closer to home, Malaysia boasts a lineage tied to Iskandar Dzulkarnain and Bukit Siguntang, the ancestral claim of the Malay royals tracing back to Alexander the Great himself. This mythos provides a narrative of divine rule and noble destiny, a legacy that has guided Malay leadership and cultural identity for centuries. When people believe their rulers descend from a lineage of greatness, they see themselves as part of a grand historical tapestry, rather than just citizens of a random modern state.

The Tragic Pursuit of Materialism

Yet, despite these deep wells of tradition, modern society seems fixated on material validation. The man who wears a bespoke suit is deemed successful, while the one who carries his family’s legacy with grace is often overlooked. We have replaced ancestral homes with penthouse suites, inherited wisdom with influencer soundbites, and dynastic pride with designer bags.

But here’s the catch: wealth, no matter how vast, can be lost in a bad investment, a market crash, or sheer misfortune. Lineage, however, is immune to economic downturns. It provides a lifelong source of pride and identity that cannot be liquidated or foreclosed.

A Final Thought: What Will You Leave Behind?

Ask yourself this: When you turn to bone and dust, what will remain of you? Will people remember the cars you drove, the watches you collected, or the designer suits you wore? Or will they recall the weight of your name, the principles you upheld, and the legacy you passed on?

In a world obsessed with the ephemeral, let us strive to be men who stand for something eternal. Material wealth may buy admiration for a season, but lineage commands respect for generations.

So, gentlemen, I leave you with this question:
Are you building a legacy that will outlive you, or just an empire that will crumble the moment you are gone?

About the Author

Raja Izz

Co-Founder of GC, Raja has over 7 years of journalism experience covering culture, menswear, chivalry, and travel. He has MBA in International Business, strategy certifications from Harvard Business School, with over 17 years of corporate experience, spanning from FORTUNE 500 company, to Malaysia's august investment, banking, and oil & gas institutions.

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