It can all start with a look
Studies have shown that women are more attracted to “proud” or “angry” expressions, rather than smiley ones. This might seen strange but it again plays into the intrigue. On top of that, the leather jacket associated with bad boys are irresistible to women. We have to know more.
Women want to be the one that can ‘change him’
Women want to believe that inside every bad boy is a good guy just waiting to be unleashed. All it needs is the right woman, one who he adores so much, his bad boys ways just aren’t worth it anymore. In actuality, this idea that a woman can reform a bad boy very rarely works out. He will change when he wants to change.
Last, and perhaps most importantly, to note, is that although might be enticing in the short term, a gentleman always prevail. Once women realise that there is not much else going on underneath, smart, interesting and sophisticated men win every time.