The most valuable commodity I know of is information.
Gordon Gekko
Article contribution by Nazirul Ridzuan
Picture: ©tmski
In my previous article, we’ve covered about setting our priorities right in becoming a bona fide gentleman instead of an empty suit. I believe that the term “gentleman” have evolved over time, to keep up with contemporary settings in relevance to technological advancement and the progress of civilization. In this modern age, a gentleman's way of life may not be entirely about self-gratification and materialism. In many ways, it has metamorphosed into holding oneself to high standards and being the best a man can be in terms of personal, professional, and relational success.
Below are five key strategies that I believe you can master throughout your journey of becoming a gentleman of class and panache.
1. Chasing Noble Pursuits, Not Skirts
First and foremost, as a man, you need to identify your purpose in life or your noble pursuit. In French expression they coined it “Noblesse Oblige” meaning an unwritten obligation of people from a noble ancestry to act honorably and generously to others. This concept can be applied by modern gentlemen regardless of birth and background. Consider having deep and clear understanding of your goals, both personal and professional, and commit all your time and energy to achieve it. I suggest using the classic yet effective S.M.A.R.T technique in setting up your goals.
When you look at some notable gentlemen from the likes of Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Datuk Jimmy Choo and Raymond Tham, they are either pursuing something extraordinary or have accomplished outstanding achievements in life. Success stories of your noble pursuits will open door to more opportunities and attract people from various social class. Then, it’s up to you to decide which of those people you’d want to welcome into your circle.
2. Level Up Both Hard Skills and Soft Skills
Pursuing personal and professional goals would require mastery of both hard skills and soft skills, which are considered to be an important asset for a gentleman. To simply put, hard skills are teachable skills that can be quantified or measured such as learning foreign languages, financial management and digital marketing etc. Whereas soft skills refer to an individual’s social ability and how they relate to and interact with other people such as emotional intelligence, manners & etiquette, leadership etc.
Furthermore, a gentleman must have a mindset of lifelong learning and continuously educate himself. He should be able to engage with other people confidently and engage in any topic of conversation even though he is not the subject matter expert. Having both extensive general knowledge and mastering the art of communication are crucial in building rapport and networking. A decent fictional example would be James Bond. The famous MI6 spy would display his ability in utilizing both skill types to complete those near-impossible missions and sometimes his side missions, the Bond girls.
The most valuable commodity I know of is information.
Gordon Gekko