Becoming a gentleman: A lofty ambition or just false pretenses?
There are no shortcuts in the journey of becoming a truly refined gentleman.

Article contribution by Nazirul Ridzuan
Picture: © fxquardro on Freepix
Most aspects of human society were significantly contributed by men, who aren’t corrupted by greed and power, scholars and gentlemen who helped to shape the world we live in today. Unfortunately, truly refined gentlemen are a dying breed nowadays.
Now imagine you’re unwinding on a Sunday afternoon, scrolling through your Instagram feed and suddenly you stumbled upon a photo of a good-looking man wearing well-tailored clothes and sometimes he’s accompanied by a beautiful woman in such luxurious settings. Seeing this awakens your desire to be like him and you think this right here is a gentleman. Remember, looks can be deceiving.
Hate to break your bubble but being well-dressed alone isn’t enough to become a gentleman. A douchebag in a tuxedo is nothing but a douchebag, whereas a chivalrous and courteous gentleman in sport jacket is still a gentleman. First impressions do matter but possessing the right qualities and characteristics should be your main priority. There are no shortcuts in the journey of becoming a truly refined gentleman.