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Appealing Gift and Dating Ideas Based on Zodiac Signs for Valentine's Day from a Professional Matchmaker

Elevate your gift to something that not only deserves an Instagram post but also touches your significant other's heart.

Article contribution by Andrea Tan, a Senior Matchmaker from Lunch Actually

Picture: @aisiqa

Valentine's Day vibes are in the air! Chocolate and pink ornaments can be found in convenience stores and restaurants. Chocolate and flower bouquets used to be popular gifts; are they still effective at making your significant other's heart skip a beat these days?

Elevate your gift to something that not only deserves an Instagram post but also touches your significant other's heart. It is challenging since everyone has their own quirk when it comes to their favorite things. Hence, Andrea Tan, a Senior Matchmaker from Lunch Actually, shares the hack to find the best gift and dating ideas for Valentine’s Day that can flutter their heart based on your partner's zodiac sign:

  1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Purchase a board game for her/him! Aries and their ambitious nature will enjoy spending Valentine's Day with you at your home. Purchase dinner online and compete with them with the board game gift. Your efforts in making the time are already noteworthy to Aries. Aries enjoy being the first! Increase their competitiveness by making your date even more memorable by betting on your board gameplay!


  1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Buy a Taureans voucher for spa or reflexology and enjoy serenely with them. The bull is their represented animal with their celestial spirit. Thus, they will love to spend Valentine's Day with you to have dinner in nature. While you are there, you and your partner can enjoy dinner surrounded by soft nature with beautiful stargazing, the natural smell of nature, and the succulent flavors of the food served.


  1. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

A treasury gift will pique Gemini's insatiable curiosity! Rather than simply giving a beautifully wrapped gift, make an effort to hide the gift somewhere with some clues. Remember to compliment them on each clue they solve! You can plan dinner dates with your significant other at restaurants you've never tried while putting it on your treasury journey. Make a mini-game in which you both guess the special dish at the restaurant, and whoever wins gets the gift. You can give a fast-track ticket to thrilling rides or extreme sports as a gift.


  1. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer can be in two moods at the same time. They can be compassionate while also being very cheerful. You can make something handmade and one-of-a-kind for them because luxurious gifts do not appeal to them! You can attend a clay workshop and create your cup or flower vase. You can take your cancer partner on a date to a restaurant with a unique concept, such as a dinner in the dark restaurant, a floating restaurant, a cable car restaurant, or another restaurant with a unique concept.


  1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

With their infamously dramatic character, Leo will love to be in the spotlight, including on their Valentine's dates! Buy them elegant dresses with bright colors (for ladies) or limited-edition shoes or shirts (for men) before Valentine's day and write the notes for them to wear during your dinner date. You can also wear something that matches them! Reserve a table strategically in the restaurant where people can't take their eyes off. Your Leo partner will love to have some peep from people surrounding you!


  1. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

When it comes to their personal lives, Virgos are the most logical, practical, and systematic. Instead of making a gift they will not use because of their preferences, you should take them to the store. Allow them to choose whatever they want, as long as they will use it in the future. Ask them what they want to eat, and then take them there! They will value effectiveness over a surprise that is not even surprising to them.


  1. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

If your significant other is a Libra, you should start exchanging gifts right away. Set a price limit that both of you are willing to pay. Choose something extremely useful in their daily lives, such as a towel, shoes, or a watch. But remember to specify what kind of gift you want because they are not the type of person who only takes from others; they appreciate the take and give more since they are concerned with maintaining a sense of balance in their lives. You can choose the type of restaurant you want to go to with her/him on dinner dates. Consult with them and make a decision. They adore being equal!


  1. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Some people think people with Scorpio signs are elusive and mysterious, yet it's hard for us to read what they truly like. For Scorpio, you can give them something meaningful as they are full of emotional energy. Try to remember what kind of things they wish to have recently and buy it for them. If you are clueless, try asking their friend or spying on their e-commerce bucket list! They will be touched if they know that you are paying attention to them, including for you to cook them their favorite meals and have dinner together.


  1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Some people believe that people born under the sign of Scorpio are elusive and mysterious, but it's difficult to tell what they genuinely like. You can give something meaningful to Scorpio because they are full of emotional energy. Try to remember what they recently desired and purchase it for them. If you need help, ask a friend or snoop on their e-commerce bucket list! They will be touched if they realize you are paying attention to them, including cooking their favorite meals and having dinner with them.


  1. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Time is the most precious gift for Capricorn! Instead of just taking your significant other out to dinner, you can take time away from work and surprise them! You can reserve a hotel room and order room service for dinner so that you don't have to go outside and can instead spend time together. You can get her/him scented candles, a planner book, a smart alarm clock, or something useful for their busy days as a gift.


  1. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is a creative thinker. Their expectations of a romantic partner are sometimes higher than usual. As a result, you must go above and beyond when treating them on Valentine's Day. If you spent the previous Valentine's Day with her/him and they seemed pleased, DO NOT plan on repeating the surprise. They will quickly tire of reading the pattern. Try to surprise her differently this time! You could try a spontaneous surprise, such as going to the nearest bus stop and taking the first bus that arrives, then stopping at the third stop and eating dinner at the nearest restaurant.


  1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces will appreciate your handwritten letter. It makes no difference what kind of gift you bought them; your handwritten love letter makes them feel special! Compliment them in the letter, mentioning the good things about them and the special moments you've shared with them along the way. You can buy them a book that reminds you of them and add some notes about what makes you remember about him/her from that book. Then, on Valentine's Day, you can make a reservation at a restaurant that serves a candlelight dinner. Remember to include lovely notes on your table.


Fine dining and extravagant gifts are lovely, but they aren't enough to make us feel the butterflies in our stomachs that we used to feel, especially if we have a long period of relationship. Thoughtful and sincere Valentine's Day gifts are something we crave in recent times as we can feel genuine love from someone special. Something simple can mean a lot.

What about singles who don't have any plans for Valentine's Day? What about our single friend whom we adore? In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Lunch Actually is offering buy 1 get 1 free dating packages until 14 Feb 2023. Use this promotion to start meeting compatible singles, or get it as a special gift for your favorite single friends.


About Lunch Actually

Founded by a husband-and-wife team Jamie Lee and Violet Lim in 2004 to help busy and successful singles find love, homegrown company Lunch Actually has since become the region's largest lunch dating service. The company has arranged more than 150,000 dates and matched more than 4,500 happily married couples. It has been featured in more than 4,000 media including Bloomberg, BBC and CNBC. Lunch Actually helps singles meet compatible and like-minded singles through pre-screened, pre-matched, and pre-arranged one-to-one dates, to achieve their goal of 1 million happy marriages. For more information, visit https://www.lunchactually.com/

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