At its conception, the game of chess was indulged in only by royalty and nobility, people who represented and dictated the standards of sophistication and intellectuality observed in society.
Rodney Taylor
Article contribution by Rodney Taylor
Nowadays the concept of a gentleman is misconstrued and does not garner the respect it deserves. Instead, lauded are gangsterism and the thug persona. Degrading a woman or addressing her derogatively is the norm rather than holding a door open for her or pulling out her chair. If a woman wears something “sexy” she is harangued with lude comments. In the minds of many men, a woman who is dressed like this is a promiscuous Jezebel. Could it be that she simply wants to look and feel beautiful and have her beauty appreciated? Furthermore, is she not just doing what society expects of her by dressing according to the standard it has set?
Yet the thuggish misogynists subject her to harsh vulgarities, hypocritically stereotyping her. The gentlemanly thing to do would be to compliment her in word and deed and show her that she is appreciated. But as I have already mentioned, many men today do not understand the concept of being a gentleman and do not even truly know what the word means.
A gentleman is one whose conduct is attuned to a high standard of propriety – correct behavior. He possesses chivalric qualities, meaning he is honest, generous, and courteous and generally considerate of others. He is in conformity with what is socially acceptable in conduct and speech and refrains from going against the conventional rules of behavior in a polite society. These are the characteristics of a gentleman. Unfortunately, in today’s world these principles and morals are neglected; at least by a large number of the male population.
The principles of a gentleman must be re-established, the minds of these confused men enlightened, the societal norms of uprightness adhered to lest we continue to decay morally. This is of the utmost importance to both the preservation and advancement of our humanity. To begin, we need only look within and reflect on our proclivity for moral correctness.
At its conception, the game of chess was indulged in only by royalty and nobility, people who represented and dictated the standards of sophistication and intellectuality observed in society.
Rodney Taylor
Picture: Daniel Craig
Picture: Historias de Ajedrez
Chess is akin to life. However, in chess, a gentleman always wins, even when he loses the game itself because he benefits from the experience. This man is gracious both in victory and defeat; at the chessboard and in life.
Rodney Taylor