Chris Hemsworth/Centr. Picture for illustration only.
Question from Mr. Mick:
Warmest greetings sir.
Mick writing all the way from Australia. First and foremost, thank you for the great articles on your site. I do read them at my leisure time. I equally enjoy your sharing of men's most common problem - which is very unfortunate but it has become a global issue - managing women. I have been there, done that, and Australian women are equally complicated. I threw my hat in relationship a long time ago. But what I want to share is that there is a lot of fun stuff you can do with yourself which you wouldn't have time if you were married. I have been taking piano lessons. I have been travelling around the world, I have been making friends with hundreds of new people, and surprisingly meeting many women who are happily single. They are beautiful, they are sexy, they are fun people but they just don't see the benefits of settling down outweighing single life. Divorce is viewed as a normal transition of life in Australia. It sounds very unfortunate but I don't want to sugar coat it.
But there are many benefits I'd like to share here about being single. I managed to do plenty of things where I couldn't when I was married because of time, commitments, depts at the time. I have just completed my level 5 piano certification, I am taking guitar lessons, I am also enrolling into language classes as I am keen to learn Japanese. I was never into cooking, but being single has transformed me into a real-life chef. I have certainly added a few new skills in my life and I am very proud of it. I am also focusing on my fitness goals where I would meditate, jog, and practice yoga almost every day. I have no boundaries when it comes to flirting. I can flirt with anyone I find appealing....HEALTHY Flirting that is. There is no one to stop you and judge you. Life can be colorful if you let it. Being single has made me more adept at dealing with life’s challenges on my own. I am just 39 years old and I have so many areas I want to explore on. Life as a single isn't dull at all. That is entirely a myth but do not expect things to drop on your lap. You need to take charge of your life. Seize the moment because what you need to worry is just time. Time waits for no men. So don't waste by procrastinating. Just do it. Always Invest in self-improvement books like "7 Habits" by Stephen Covey, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, Napoleon Hill, Jordan Peterson. Self-improvement books can truly provide new perspectives in life. You guys should do a periodic random review of self-improvement books which can help improve mental health.