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Finding strength and refinement in challenging times

Discover how one reader found solace in our "Ask the Gentlemen" series and seeks guidance on moving forward after divorce. Learn strategies for self-investment and regaining confidence during challenging times.

Discover how to move forward after divorce and start a journey of self-refinement. This heartfelt story offers guidance on rebuilding confidence and investing in yourself during challenging times.

Sartoria Rossi


Question from Mr. E:

Bonjour Gentleman’s Codes,

Thank you for the incredible articles and support for all aspiring gentlemen around the world.  Your articles and contributions have been a guide for all men and likely women striving to better themselves. 

Reading the Ask the Gentlemen has given me a lot of solace knowing I’m not alone in the relationship struggles realm.  It’s also given me courage to share my story and find a way moving forward. 

I was married for 9 years and got divorced.  In the process, my 7 year old son is now living with his mother in another country.  Every day I speak to him him through facetime and every few weeks I visit him.  I make it a point that he knows despite everything, I love him and will always be there for him.  But the times when I’m not there is when I find myself lost.  And because of the divorce, my own family has stopped talking to me so I’m basically starting from scratch, with limited resources and no support.  Prior to everything, family was everything so I didn’t have time for friends apart from my work colleagues. 

And this brings me to my question,
A) how do I move forward?
B) I’ve always wanted to invest in myself to strive and become more refined but not sure where to begin as I’ve lost confidence in myself.
  Specifically how do I begin this journey of refining myself at this time? 

Answer by The Gentleman:

Hi Mr. E,

Thank you for your heartfelt message and for being a dedicated reader of GC. It is truly humbling to know that our work resonates so deeply with you and serves as a guidance in your life. I want to acknowledge the courage it takes to share your story, especially during such a challenging time. As someone who experienced a similar heartbreaking experience (I was supposed to get married few years back, but my ex-fiance decided to break-up and cancelled the reception just weeks before the ceremony), I assure you that there is a path forward—one that leads not only to recovery but to refinement and elevation.

Moving Forward After Loss

The journey you’re on is undeniably difficult. I can feel the pain. The pain of separation from your son and the distance from your family create a void that can seem overwhelming. Moving forward starts with recognizing that your worth is not diminished by these challenges; instead, they offer an opportunity to rebuild with intention and grace. Your continued commitment to your son, despite the physical distance, speaks volumes about your character and love.

Begin by focusing on what you can control. Reconnect with yourself by establishing new routines that nurture your mental, physical, appearance and emotional well-being.

Refining Yourself: The Journey Begins

Your desire to invest in yourself and strive for refinement is a noble one, and it’s a journey that many of us at GC have walked ourselves. Our recently published article on applying the Pareto Principle to becoming a classy man in 2024 provides a valuable framework that can be particularly useful in your situation.

The Pareto Principle, often known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of your outcomes stem from 20% of your efforts. This means that in your journey of self-refinement, it’s crucial to identify and focus on the key areas that will yield the most significant impact:

Elegance: Begin with your appearance, as it’s often the first step toward reclaiming your confidence. Investing in blazer, tailored suit, and leather jacket, learning the art of grooming, and understanding the basics of style can create a foundation of elegance that permeates other areas of your life.

High Culture: Feed your mind with knowledge and culture. Explore literature, music, and art that challenge and inspire you. This will not only elevate your intellect but also provide a sense of enrichment that can be deeply fulfilling. I still remember months after my wedding cancellation and break-up, I flew to Rome, Athens, and Florence and visited the noble family's house and museum (such as The Uffizzi Gallery in Florence), to truly understand their ethos, taste, and standard that they set at the peak of Greco-Roman civilization. I even touched the fragmented sarcophagus of Emperor Constantine The Great in Istanbul Archeology Museum!

Gentlemanly Sports: Engage in a sport that not only keeps you physically fit but also sharpens your mind and discipline. Sports like tennis, equestrian, or polo cultivate a sense of prestige and achievement—all qualities that will help you regain your confidence. As for me, I've found my princess soon after I enrolled in a polo lesson, so you might find someone by pursuing this hobby too.


A Journey Worth Taking

As you embark on this journey of refinement, remember that it is long adventure. Each step you take, no matter how small, is progress. The key is consistency and the willingness to embrace the process, knowing that with each day, you are becoming a more polished, refined, and resilient version of yourself.

At GC, we believe that the pursuit of gentlemanly excellence is a lifelong endeavor. The challenges you face today will shape the man you become tomorrow. Trust in the process, invest in yourself, and know that you are not alone on this journey.

Thank you once again for sharing your story with us. I hope this response offers some guidance and reassurance as you move forward.



Best regards,

The Gentleman


READ MORE: Applying the Pareto Principle to becoming a classy man in 2024

READ MORE: 10 things every man should do before turning 40: 2024 Edition

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