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A reader's dilemma: Can a gentleman hit his wife?

Is it ever acceptable for a gentleman to hit his wife? A reader shares his marital struggles and seeks guidance on handling conflicts with respect and dignity. Discover our thoughts on this sensitive topic.

Senator John Kennedy and his bride, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, smile during their wedding reception, September 12, 1953, in Newport, Rhode Island.

Lisa Larsen/Life Pictures/Shutterstock

Letter from Mr U.

Dear GC,

I discovered your site from one of the facebook forums where one of the users have raised a concern to you and you have given some guidance which is the objective of my email to you today.

My question is simple - As a gentleman, are we allowed to physically hit a lady?

What leads me to this question is this, allow me to give you a bit of a backstory of my life. Next month I will be celebrating my first year of marriage. But unfortunately, throughout this 1 year, my marriage has been in topsy turvy. My wife, after our marriage, has finally shown her nagging side. She does not nag like she wants pampering but she would nag with a scornful remark which sounds very disrespectful. I have never physically hit her before but I have raised my voice to her to tone it down. The higher my voice is, the higher her voice gets. She sounds like she wants to compete with me. The desire to hit her on the face has many times surfaced but I tried to be cool but it's very difficult to pretend everything is cool when it is not. She is just testing my patience to the extreme.

Many times I have thought about divorcing her but we are married for only a year so I thought maybe we needed time to adjust but I don't see things changing with her. Her ego seems bigger than a man's.

We always quarrel about almost everything. I realize there is a major misalignment with our principles. She wants a guy who does everything for and with her even to the most trivial things like driving her to her friend's gathering just because she does not like driving. I don't mind doing it occasionally but not all the time. But when I just get back to work at 830 pm, and she wants me to drive to her a cafe in bangsar and then wait for her there until she finishes, that is too taxing. There is always Grab. When I told her she can grab, she would response to me in a sarcastic manner (e.g. "modern man cannot be relied on", "you have many excuses, man up la") which makes me so angry that I want to hit her. Her words is just hurtful. Imagine your wife telling you to "man up" when she has zero knowledge about what happened in the office?

"Lelaki sekarang tak boleh pakai".

"Lelaki skrg tak boleh dipercayai".

"Bangang la lelaki sekarang".

A very sexist statement in my opinion. Imagine hearing this statement each time we quarrel. It's always generalizing men.

So what can I do in this situation? I have done all the talk with her except physical. She does not seem to respect me and I feel like one tight slap across her face would do the trick. I just want her to respect me as a man and a leader of the house, otherwise I would just file for divorce as I can't stand this anymore. I can't stand with all this sexist remark about men cannot be trusted and all this sexist agenda. I am really unhappy with this marriage. Why would you marry a man if you are sexist? Is that a hint I should be divorcing her?

I have googled about this and I found a youtube video where Sean Connery who is well known for a gentleman concurs that a gentleman should hit a woman.

What are your thoughts on this please?

Answer by The Gentleman:

Hi Mr. U,

Thank you for reaching out to GC with such honesty about your marital challenges. Let us be absolutely clear: No, a gentleman should never hit a woman. Violence is never the solution and will only make your marriage institution becoming worse.

Let's engage in a scenario: Put yourself as a woman, imagine coming home after a long day, and upon some quarrels, suddenly receiving a slap across your face from someone who promised to love and protect you. Beyond the physical pain, think about the devastating emotional impact - the betrayal of trust, the fear, the humiliation. Would you ever feel safe in your own home again? Would you ever look at your partner the same way? One moment of hit or slap can permanently destroy the foundation of love and trust that a marriage is built upon.

We understand your frustration. From the context of your story, your wife's words are hurtful, disrespectful, and her gender-based remarks are indeed disturbing. However, responding with violence would not only be ungentlemanly, but could also have serious legal consequences and would likely end your marriage in an even more painful way.

Instead, consider these approaches:

1. Set clear boundaries around communication: "Honey, when you make sweeping negative statements about men, it hurts me and damages our relationship. I need you to address specific concerns without using that choice of words."

2. Use "I" statements: "Love, I feel disrespected when you tell me to 'man up' because it is insulting to my core identity."

3. Seek marriage counseling: Your communication patterns need professional intervention. A counselor can help both of you express your needs more constructively.

4. Address practical issues: For transportation, perhaps you could agree on specific days when you'll drive her, and days when she'll use Grab. This creates clear expectations for both of you.

Regarding Sean Connery's dated video - views from the past don't justify violence today, no matter whether that man voted as the greatest James Bond. We have evolved as a society to understand that domestic violence is both morally wrong and ungentlemanly.

If these issues persist despite attempting counseling and honest communication, divorce might be preferable to a marriage where you're contemplating violence. However, before taking that step, we strongly urge you to seek professional help - both individually and as a couple.

Remember: true strength lies not in raising your voice or physical dominance, but in maintaining composure and finding constructive solutions even when provoked. We urge you to watch how President Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile crisis in such a cool and swag manner (One of the most complex problems in the history of the U.S.). That guy got class.

Would you be open to sharing how you've tried to communicate your feelings to your wife so far?

Understanding your current approach might help us suggest more specific strategies for your situation.


Stay strong,

The Gentleman

READ: Men have foolishly ignored the warning in The Book Of Genesis


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